Why Are Security Assessments So Important?

Security Assessments help protect your technology assets. They guard against downtime and let you sleep better at night, knowing that your IT assets are secure.

Security Assessments Are A Game-Changer In Protecting Your IT Environment

Why is this?… Think of security assessments as a network detective who non-intrusively collects data on your network to ensure that it’s protected on all fronts.

They produce a baseline set of IT security reports. These are presented to you either as a one-time IT security assessment or as part of a regularly-scheduled managed security service.

Security Assessments:

  • Assess computer risk at a high level.
  • Detect external vulnerabilities.
  • Methodically analyze login history to spot unusual activity.
  • Highlight outbound security deviations from industry standards.
  • Create a full review of your security policies.
  • Search for PII (personally identifying information).
  • Deliver data breach liability reports.
  • Provide you with a comprehensive Security Risk Report Card.

Security Assessments Guard Against Downtime & Detect Potential Vulnerabilities

By receiving regular security assessments, your IT assets are guarded against downtime and intrusions. Every time you receive your Security Assessment Module Reports, you’ll know that the in-depth work has been done to ensure that your systems are protected.

You must choose an IT service company that knows how to perform security assessments. There’s a huge pent-up demand for IT security services, and few service companies provide them because they don’t have the skills or staff to deliver this high-value service.

Security Assessments Can Also Include Dark Web Monitoring

Security assessments can scan the Dark Web to see how many of your records can be found. To protect your business, you need ongoing Dark Web Monitoring. Without this, new compromised employee data available on the Dark Web will go unnoticed. This will put your company in danger of a data breach.

Unnoticed activity puts many organizations at risk. Did you know that having compromised information on the Dark Web can increase your risk of receiving a phishing email? If your employees click a malicious link, your data will be exposed to hackers.

Ongoing Security Assessments Provide Great Protection

The key is to receive regular check-ups, monthly or quarterly. This can often be performed remotely, and your scans can be pre-scheduled and fully automated. You won’t know they are running in the background, because they’re delivered remotely.

You Can Also Have Non-Intrusive IT Assessments On-Site in Less Than an Hour

A small scan runs from a thumb drive plugged into any computer in your domain. In most cases, these scans can be completed in well under an hour. It gathers a mountain of network data and saves it in a safely-encrypted file on a thumb drive.

Security Assessment Measure Your Risk

A risk-scoring algorithm not only uncovers threats to your network but assigns them a Risk Score based on network impact.  The Risk Score allows us to prioritize the remediation of individual issues and measure network health over time.  You’ll have easy to understand tables and graphs showing monthly improvements to your network.

Security Assessments Change The Game

They protect your business against ever-increasing cybercrime. Cybercrime is estimated to cost businesses $6 Trillion worldwide by 2021, with small and medium-sized companies accounting for more than half of the anticipated attacks.

Regular, comprehensive security assessments will outwit attacks before they cause problems.

Want to learn more about keeping your business safe from cybercrime? Visit our Blog, where we publish new articles every month. Here are a few to get you started:

New Phishing Threat Presents Security Challenge

What Are the Most Serious Cybersecurity Stories of 2019?

Building a Rock-Solid Cybersecurity Plan

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