Secure, Cloud-Based Backups From Outsource IT Solutions Group

Protect Your Company from the Risk of Data Loss with Secure, Cloud-Based Backups From Outsource IT Solutions Group

Did you know that experts expect 463 exabytes of data will be generated each day by the year 2025? Many of us haven’t even heard of that unit of measuring data, and are used to thinking in terms of gigabytes, terabytes or even petabytes. With the introduction of exabytes to the daily language of business, the importance of secure, reliable and affordable data storage are at the top of every IT director’s list.

While your company probably isn’t generating hundreds of thousands of documents per day, the dozens that you do produce are vital to the ongoing operations of your business. Losing a single file or access to a business application would be extremely risky for your business. Staff become frustrated — customers lose confidence in your operations — and before long, you’ll start to see revenue dwindle.

All these challenges can be resolved by investing in the next generation of cloud-based Microsoft 365 backups offered by Outsource IT Solutions Group.

What Are the Key Causes of Data Loss?

While calls to an IT Help Desk requesting assistance with a missing file is probably a daily occurrence in any business, there are much larger risks associated with the loss of data or data privacy. Hackers are continually looking for ways to infiltrate your organization, creating havoc and either locking files or gaining access to confidential data at will.

Some primary causes of data loss include:

  • Shared passwords, allowing staff members access to restricted data fields
  • Email hacks, such as ransomware or viruses
  • Accidental deletion of files or folders by well-meaning staff members or contractors
  • Natural disasters that impact local file storage, such as floods or fires

Well-meaning or intentional — data loss can spell disaster for your organization. If your company has lost access to customer records, you may spend weeks rebuilding orders and contacting current customers. If information has simply been misplaced, there are often dozens or even hundreds of hours of expensive IT time spent finding and restoring that information.

Benefits of Cloud-Based Backups and Data Storage

On-premise storage solutions have been the option of choice for organizations for decades, but that is rapidly changing over the past few years. The relative cost of secure, cloud-based storage continues to decline, while high-speed internet access makes offsite storage much more accessible for companies. What can be challenging is determining which cloud storage solution has the robust security standards required for today’s complex business needs.

With cloud-based data backups, you gain an added level of confidence that your data can be restored from any physical location. In today’s world of work-from-home and using local devices, it only makes sense to have a flexible solution that still offers exceptional security.

Everything from Microsoft Exchange information, to calendars and shared file folders can all be protected with advanced cloud-based storage and backup recovery solutions from Outsource IT Solutions Group.

Protecting Confidential Consumer and Business Data Structures

The team at Outsource IT Solutions has been protecting consumer and business data structures for many years. We take pride in ensuring that we offer the most up-to-date solutions that will help protect your organization from data loss in a variety of situations. Contact us today to schedule a complimentary consultation and learn more about our wide range of cloud-based backup and data storage solutions.

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