Should You Replace Your Server or Move to the Cloud?

Should You Replace Your Server or Move to the Cloud?

Running an Old Server Leaves You at a Serious Risk of Failure, Which Means Lost Data and Extensive Downtime…

Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end. That is a given for any technology nowadays, especially your trusty old server. If you have relied on it for years, it is probably time for an upgrade. This is particularly true if you are starting to notice applications running slowly and data being processed at a much more frustrating speed. If your server is older, chances are, the hardware is unsupported now, which means it is well past its recommended operational life. There is a good chance you are at serious risk of failure, leaving you with lost data and extensive downtime that most businesses cannot afford.

Should You Replace Your Server or Move to the Cloud?

A Look at the Statistics… How Common is Server Failure?

Studies show that server failures start to increase after 4 years of owning a server with an 11% failure rate. That number steadily grows each year until a server replacement is necessary. In addition, studies show that server downtime, although attributed to planned software updates and reboots in the first few years, starts to increase after 4 years of owning a server as well. Unfortunately, unplanned incidents and emergencies start to rise as the server gets older.

When It’s Time to Replace Your Server, Is It Worth an Investment to the Cloud Instead?

When it is time to replace your server, you might be considering a move to the cloud. After all, everyone seems to be talking about cloud computing these days. Essentially, the cloud lets you access resources that are stored on a provider’s data center rather than your own physical hardware on your premises. This means that employees can access the data and applications they need from any device at any time, if they have an internet connection.

You are not only able to achieve a higher level of flexibility, but also avoid the risks associated with running outdated hardware:

  1. Malware infections and/or data breaches: Cybercrime is evolving, becoming more sophisticated by the day. An outdated server leaves you vulnerable as they are simply not as secure against modern threats.
  2. Sudden lagging or failure: As we have covered, servers start to lag and fail around the 4-year mark. Meaning you’re prone to experiencing costly data loss and/or expensive downtime.
  3. Inability to keep up with the competition: Keep in mind, an older server does not give you a competitive edge as you are unable to keep up in terms of productivity, efficiency, and collaboration in the marketplace.

An investment to the cloud simply makes sense because you can avoid the high upfront cost of purchasing and installing a new server. This is especially true if you are using multiple on-site servers because typically, that means dealing with multiple issues (and multiple expensive replacements) at the same time. The cloud gives you a centralized infrastructure wherein you can have all the computing resources you need for a fraction of the cost. The benefits are clear:

  1. High availability: The cloud is essentially made up of a network of servers, which means that if one goes down, there are other servers that will kick into action. Therefore, you will find a lot of providers offering 99.999% uptime.
  2. Greater security: A cloud provider dedicates a lot of resources, money, and time into safeguarding their data center with enterprise-grade protection and around-the-clock physical safety measures.
  3. Lower cost: You are paying a flat-rate monthly fee as you go for storage and/or capabilities you need, as well as the ongoing maintenance, rather than paying a hefty upfront cost, along with unexpected repairs.

Need a Chicago IT Services Company to Help You Migrate to the Cloud? Call (855) 651-1418 or Email Us at

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