How Does Running Older, Outdated Technology Impact Your Business?

How Does Running Older, Outdated Technology Impact Your Business?

From Greater Risk of Malware Infections to Less Productivity Throughout the Day – Older, Outdated Technology Impacts You in a Range of Ways…

Upkeep Is More Costly Than Upgrading.

Technology continues evolving at an incredibly rapid rate with new forms of hardware and software being released all the time. Often, it seems like as quickly as you adopt the latest and most complete systems, something better comes along. Unfortunately, the average business owner is far too busy to stay on top of what’s older and outdated within their environment. Cetan Corp found that computers more than four years old experience approximately 21 HOURS of downtime per year. Also, they cost over 50% more to repair than merely buying a new one.

Not only do PCs need to be replaced regularly – at least every few years. There are two main scenarios wherein technology will become older and outdated:

  1. Physically in terms of hardware that becomes antiquated
  2. Digitally in terms of firmware or software upgrades via security patches and bug fixes

In both scenarios, upgrades improve the overall functionality and usability of your equipment. Every piece of your information technology infrastructure plays a vital role in keeping your company running. Also, every part of your information technology infrastructure acts as an entry point into the network. That means if one piece is older and outdated, the entire environment could be at risk.

What Are the Risks of Running Older, Outdated Technology?

The risks of running older, outdated technology go above and beyond the lack of performance offered from systems that require an upgrade or replacement. Although that is a significant concern as your staff members rely on their hardware and software to function at peak performance, there are substantial risks to be considered:

Malware infections and data breaches

These are huge risks, especially as cybercrime continues to evolve – becoming more sophisticated and coordinated every day. Older, outdated equipment tends to have a range of vulnerabilities. In some cases, manufacturers stop releasing security patches and bug fixes to resolve these vulnerabilities. Cybercriminals can hack into older, outdated technology more easily than newer technology.

Sudden lagging or failure

Next, we have sudden lagging or failure. Your servers, hard drives, and other equipment will not last forever. Every piece of hardware and software has a useful life span. When you use it beyond that time, you are more prone to experiencing sudden lagging or failure resulting in costly data loss. Typically, fixing a piece of failed equipment is quite expensive and leaves you with hours, or worse, days of downtime while the equipment gets restored.

Inability to keep up with the competition

Lastly, older, outdated technology does not give your company the competitive edge it needs to stay ahead of the game. Newer forms of technology allow businesses to be agile, productive, and efficient – automating routine, time-consuming tasks and collaborating with customers, colleagues, and partners throughout the day. There are too many functions and features found in newer forms of technology that do not exist in older, outdated systems.

Let’s Work Together to Keep Your Information Technology Up-to-Date. Call (855) 651-1418 Now. Outsource IT Solutions Group is the preferred choice for IT services in Illinois.

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