The Benefits of Image Based Data Backups

In our previous article, we outlined the benefit of using programs that can backup your data while clearing your disk space. This time around, we’re more specifically expanding on data backups and how they benefit your business.

First, let’s knock out the biggest concern. Security.

People have become wary about using backup services, particularly on online/cloud platforms, because they’re concerned that these platforms do not provide adequate encryption when protecting their private information. However, with the right backup strategy that provides multiple storage options and a knowledgeable IT solutions firm, your data will be well-encrypted and in good hands.

The best solution is an Image Based Data Backup.

Backups serve as disaster prevention tools that safely store and protect your data in the event that your computer crashes and cannot recover documents and files. Image-Based Data Backups, in particular, duplicate all information on a computer and store the data either on-site, off-site, or through the cloud. Then, a Bare Metal Restore can be performed to completely recover the computer’s original state before the crash.

IT Disasters Stand No Chance

So, how does this benefit you?

Other than the concept of recovering your computer’s data, there are other very important ways your business benefits from an Image-Based Data Backup.

  • Protecting Intellectual Property: When backing up your computer, you’re protecting more than just data – you’re preserving the documents and files that hold your company’s ideas and sensitive information. These assets make your company unique and competitive, so you‘ll want to ensure that you’ll always have access to this data and prevent it from being revealed to others.
  • Multi-Storage Capabilities: As the quote says, “Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket,” and that’s exactly the approach we take with our Hassle-Free Backup System services. First, we store your data on-site so that you can recover your data locally and quickly. Then, we automatically backup data on a cloud system so you’re able to access this information off-site as well.
  • Monitoring and Prevention: What’s the point of having a data backup system if it doesn’t back up correctly, right? Through our Hassle-Free Backup System services, we regularly monitor your backups to avoid errors while always ensuring data privacy and integrity.

Take your IT to the next level – reach out today.

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