Delay or Schedule Sending Mail in Office 365

Outlook’s Send Later Feature: Delay or Schedule Sending Mail in Office 365

Have you ever sent a hasty email and regretted it immediately afterward? Discover how this nifty Microsoft Outlook 365 feature can help you save time and boost your productivity when working with your email.

Are you and your employees spending too much time on email? Are you frustrated by the seemingly endless email threads? Send Later is a fairly recent feature in Microsoft Outlook that allows you to delay your emails’ delivery and specify the date and time you want your messages to be dispatched.

Are you interested in learning more? Discover how you can start exploiting this productivity tool and what it has to offer your business:

How Can You Schedule Delayed Delivery of Emails In Outlook 365?

To delay or schedule sending mail for a later time, follow these ten simple steps:

  • You can either choose New Email or select an existing email and click on Reply, Reply All, or Forward.
  • Compose and address your email in the message window.
  • Navigate to the Options tab and click on Delay Delivery.
  • Under the Delivery Options in the Properties dialogue, choose the Do not deliver before check box.
  • Input the date and time you’d like your email to be sent.
  • Choose Close.
  • Click on Send in the message window.
  • Head to the Outbox folder to view the emails that are scheduled to be sent later.
  • If you’d like to adjust the time or date of delivery, open the message in a different window, choose Options. Next, select Delay Delivery, then finally set another send date and time.
  • On the other hand, if you’d like to send a scheduled message straightaway, simply open the email in a different window. Head back to the Delay Delivery screen, uncheck the box beside Do not deliver before, click on Close and finally Send.

What are the Advantages of Utilizing Outlook’s Send Later Feature? Here are the Benefits Of Using Outlook’s Send Later Feature

  • You’ll Save Time: Sending several emails back and forth can easily eat up a considerable amount of your time. However, by using Send Later, you can cut down on the time you spend on email throughout your day. Instead of responding to an email immediately, you can draft a reply and schedule it to be delivered at a time of your choosing.
  • You’ll Improve Your Productivity: Beyond the advantages it offers individuals, Send Later will also improve your entire office’s productivity. To prevent wasting time with back-and-forth emails, simply ask all your staff to send their internal emails at a specific time each day. As an added measure, you might also wish to have your workers check their emails at a set time each day. This will help everyone stay focused on the task at hand rather than being distracted by an incoming email.
  • You’ll Improve Your Response Rate: Outlook’s Send Later feature is also a great way of enhancing your email response rate. Let’s take the example of an employee who knows that their boss arrives at the office at 9 am. To ensure the boss opens their message as soon as possible, the employee can use Send Later to dispatch their message at 9 am. On the other hand, you may be communicating with a client in a different time-zone. In that case, Send Later can help them receive your email at an appropriate time, whatever the time difference.
  • You Can Rewrite Emotionally Charged Emails: Who hasn’t sent an emotionally charged email only to regret it a few moments after hitting send? While you can never avoid receiving an upsetting email at least once in a while, Send Later can help you prevent any hasty replies. You can use this feature to avoid any hasty words if you find yourself a little hot under the collar.



Looking to Leverage Reliable Microsoft Solutions Support and Grow Your Chicago Business?

Our experienced Microsoft 365 specialists at Outsource IT Solutions Group are eager to help you leverage Send Later to gain complete control of your email.

Let us help you get ahead. Reach out to us now to get started.

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