Boost Cybersecurity with Managed Services

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Boost Cybersecurity with Managed Services


Did you know your organization could be subject to data breach notification laws and possible fines for data breaches and losing sensitive client data? The exact laws and regulations do vary by state and industry, among other factors. But the fact remains that poor cybersecurity can lead to grave consequences, either financial or for your reputation.

Common sense advice is that any organization should establish and maintain a plan for managing cybersecurity risks. This security plans should be informed by applicable laws and regulations.

Are you concerned about the state of your security and your ability to protect your organization’s sensitive information? Managed IT services can help. Managed IT services are the constant remote monitoring of your IT network and technology services, such as:

  • Automatic software updates and security patches for your computers and servers
  • Up-to-date anti-virus, anti-malware, and anti-spam solutions for your devices and email
  • Secure, tested offsite backup and storage solutions for your data
  • Monitoring of your network to detect security threats in your network traffic and devices
  • Next-generation firewall management, updating, and reporting

Data breaches, cyberattacks, and the nasty consequences of these security threats have dominated the news recently. No organization is “too small” to be targeted. Figuring out the next steps to take can be daunting and confusing.

Managed IT services can help keep your servers, desktop computers, and network devices up to date, protected, and constantly monitored. Managed backup options range from basic backup to plans that can be tailored to meet your compliance needs and disaster recovery plans. Data backup is essential to cybersecurity, especially in defending against ransomware and recovering from data loss.

For your firewall and network needs, managed services can offer monitoring and automation of a next-generation firewall to protect your firm from outside threats. A 24/7 network security monitoring service can constantly examine your IT network’s traffic to detect threats and vulnerabilities.

These security services are invaluable in keeping eyes on your IT infrastructure. They can help detect and stop cyber threats before they succeed.

If you’re interested in discovering your security vulnerabilities before attackers do, contact us today at 630-701-3393.


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